
A good friend once told me to follow my passion.

I love helping others grow. 

It doesn't matter if you are a start-up, a team or an individual. We all share the ambition to become a better version of ourselves. But sometimes we don't know what it is that we want, let alone what hinders us from getting there.

Having spent two decades as a management consultant I have learned a few tricks. I also made a few wrong turns along the way, but each time I returned to my path I ended up stronger than before. 

Finding my own path has taken me a while, however, that is exactly what has taught me that business is all about people.

Leaders make tough business decisions every day. But too often focus is on the business - not the personal motivations and needs. I want to change that.

I believe a new approach is needed. An approach that rests on the rational business logic while incorporating the personal dreams, motivations and fears. 

It's business. It's personal.


Kennet Hammerby