Keep moving forward.


Getting what you want requires that you know what you want.

In my career I have taken a lot of detours, wrong turns and ended up in dead ends. But I have kept moving forward.

Today I know that life is not a sprint. Life is a marathon.

However, to keep moving forward you need to know what drives you.

I want to help others find their motivation and goal. And to help them moving forward.

Privately, I am 49 years old living with my wife Eva in an old house in Charlottenlund.

I love to travel and visiting new countries. The ambition is to reach 100 countries before I turn 50. However, still a lot of white spots on the map...

I am a keen skier and love the outdoors. Didn't say that I am a good skier though, as I learned to ski when I was 32.

To stay fit I decided to take up triathlon in 2013 - now a 14-time Ironman finisher.

I like my conversations sweet and my coffee black.

It ain’t about how hard ya hit.
It’s about how hard you can get hit
and keep moving forward
— Rocky Balboa