Client testimonials

A word from some of the people I have worked closely with over the past few years.
Happy to provide relevant references upon request. 


Growth company


Klaus Andersen, CEO, BASWARE

“Kennet was a tremendous asset for us in our strategy process this year. A process that required agility and adjustments all the way due to a Private Take Over process being introduced half-way through. With a very pragmatic approach Kenneth managed, together with the core team, to keep us focused and getting us as far in the process and possible taking the circumstances into consideration. Kennet’s professionalism and likable personality made it very easy for the team to connect and cooperate and that created great team spirit and very good outcomes.”

HENRIK TEISBÆK, CEO & Co-founder, veo technologies

“Kennet was a great help for me to structure and drive our strategy process. Kennet led extensive workshops in the management team and structured an actionable plan with a clear focus to drive the business forward. Kennet is not only a very smart and professional advisor, he is also a charismatic and great guy.”

Christian brøndum, ceo, planday

“Planday needed to develop a strategy and agile decision making framework that would allow us to manage our rapid International growth. In this regard, we had the pleasure working closely with Kennet. Kennet was a great motivator, navigator and coach in the strategy development process. He stands out as an authentic and pragmatic guy, which combined with his strategic mind-set creates kick-ass results.”

Lars thinggaard, President and ceo, milestone system

“We have worked closely with Kennet on several occasions over the past years. Kennet is well-liked across the organization and have always delivered well above promises in that nice Kennet spirit.”

Malte Holm, SVP Global Strategy, Hårklinikken

“We have worked with Kennet several times in addressing our key strategic priorities. Kennet brings structure to a process that in smaller companies might not exist and always makes sure to prepare the sessions well in advance. He helps bring out key insights from individual stakeholders, and thereby ensures that the actual strategic workshops don’t start on a blank canvas, but with clear agenda points, a good volume of digested view points and the exact amount of needed data, to base conversations on facts and not what people think. During the workshops, Kennet balances the respect for individual voices with the need for cutting through and pushing forward, which is a highly valued skill. He asks the right questions when needed and steps back for the team to have the right debates. Overall, Kennet has been a tremendous asset in aligning our strategic planning processes and bringing the leadership team together as one.”

Andreas L. Hoel, Vice President Marketing and Sales, A3P Biomedical

“I have had the pleasure of working with Kennet for more than a decade, and in several different contexts: from multi-year launch planning projects in international company settings, to short market access project discussions for a scale-up business. Regardless of context, Kennet stays true to his value proposition: An approach that rests on the rational business logic while incorporating the personal motivations. Kennet’s unique approach of addressing both business needs as well as individual motivations continues to provide value to both clients and their business. This approach underpins his ability to incorporate important stakeholder perspectives, and through this develop strong strategic and executional plans.”

Julie Enevold Brooker, Country Director Denmark, Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of J&J

“In the first half of 2022, Kennet supported the Danish leadership team of Janssen Pharmaceuticals through a well-planned strategy process. Through several workshops, we analyzed and identified the main opportunities and challenges to address over the next three years, which now has been converted to concrete and actionable strategic initiatives. Kennet is an experienced consultant and facilitator, and quickly found a pragmatic way to interact with the organization.”

Christian Kjaer, CEO & Co-Founder, ElleVet Sciences

“I have worked with Kennet on a number of different projects within a number of different companies in the US. Kennet is phenomenal in strategy development, execution planning and in process development to increase efficiency. Kennet has always been very liked by the people engaging in the projects together with him. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Kennet on a recent project and am extremely impressed with his immediate grasp of the complexities of the project and his ability to see the best strategic path and ensure the most efficient and timely way forward. He is one of the best consultants I have worked with.”

Peter de Fine Licht, Senior Director, Novo Nordisk

“Kennet has provided great support for us on a cross-functional strategic alignment project. He was instrumental in his approach to navigating stakeholders across organisational layers and functions and create a platform to move in the same direction in the project. This enabled us to move ahead with a very different approach compared to before Kennet got involved. I can highly recommend getting Kennet onboard to drive and facilitate any kind of strategic or organisational transition.”

Mikkel Bo Johansen, Head of Nordic Taskforce, Alexion pharmaceuticals, inc.

“Over the past couple of years, we have worked closely with Kennet on multiple occasions primarily on the commercial side of the business. Most recently, Kennet supported us renewing our five-year strategic plan across the North Cluster, helping us prioritize the strategic Must-Win-Battles. Kennet is a down-to-earth and experienced consultant, and quickly found a pragmatic and efficient way to interact with our organization. Looking forward to working with him again.”

Kristian Krøyer, Director & Founder, GRIPGRAB ApS

“Based on our customer segmentation analysis Kennet facilitated the process of accessing the strategic fit to the segments. Kennet delivered a comprehensive framework which - based on relevant and accessible parameters - guided us on how to prioritize the segments. Kennet assisted us in developing guiding go-to-market principles that support our decision making within sales, marketing and product development.”

Charlotte Elgaard Bjørnhof, Director, Global Product Management, Core, Ambu A/S

“Ambu had decided to accelerate an important innovation project within the Core portfolio. Kennet effectively facilitated a fast-paced process that connected the dots between user insights, clinical input, the commercial agenda, and technical requirements into a crisp scope that gave the project a shared, strong starting point from which to develop. It is always a pleasure to work with Kennet.”




Sally Khallash, founding partner, Behavioural Strategy

“I have known Kennet for a number of years and worked together on projects, brainstormed new ideas, and most recently benefited from Kennet as my coach. Kennet is the perfect chameleon and switches easily and competently between the different roles depending on what is needed. He is always 100% present personally and professionally, is pleasant and funny to be around, and always creates momentum when necessary and time to reflect when needed. If there was a fan club for Kennet, I would be the chairman - he is and remains one of my absolute favourite people and colleagues.”

Lisa A. Miller, President & CEO, DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES

“Kennet is a true professional. His quality of work and executive support for strategic planning and C-level presentations is top rate. He is always on time or early with his deliverables. Even though we worked on a strategic plan during the middle of a pandemic, on two different continents, it was like we were in the same room working together. The discussions and thought sharing was seamless and inspiring.”

Allan Baadsgaard Mønsted, Chief Strategy Officer, SCADA International A/S

“We had laid the foundation for an updated strategy and needed qualified assistance to get it concretized and documented in a very compressed process. Kennet was quick to familiarize himself with the task, to plan a suitable process and carry out the process in close cooperation with me. The collaboration was characterized by good chemistry and the necessary cooperation and counterplay, and the result was fully satisfactory.”

Marianne Hyltoft, Director, Deep-Tech Impact Fund, PreSeed Ventures

“I have worked intensively with Kennet in the very early stage of designing and setting up a new Deep-Tech Impact Fund investing in early-stage start-ups in the Nordic region. Kennet has been a pivotal sparring partner when discussing and capturing the essence and core value proposition of this new fund. With his pragmatic and structured way of working, Kennet has also been key in co-creating and developing a strong pitch deck. Looking forward to continue working with Kennet going forward.”

Brian Rusbjerg Linde, Founder, CXI Partners  

“My company and I have the pleasure of being on a growth journey with Kennet. He has a great way of making me realize how my personal aspirations and mental framework both drive and limit the success of my company. Kennet has helped me breaking assumptions, raising the bar and knowing where to play and how to win - with respect of the work-life balance that will keep me, my company and family thrive and grow. The mix of challenging coaching sessions with specific "go do" actions and follow up has taken both performance and confidence to the next level.”

johanne staugaard johansen, director & founder, maple

“In the start up phases of Maple, I found myself so occupied with day-to-day management that I neglected dealing with the overall direction of the company. Kennet asked all the right questions - both about my personal goals and about the business - and he challenged me in a way that was both empathic and clear-sighted - and of great value for me personally and for the development of my business”.




Jesper termansen, vp global Marketing, Universal robots

“Throughout the last 7 years I’ve worked with and used Kennet as a strategy advisor. Kennet’s partnership creates a progressive balance between coaching, mentoring, informing and challenging that has helped me, and indirectly my teams, move key strategic initiatives forward in a much more comprehensive and effective manner. Kennet has helped and coached me to personally grow my leadership capability, credibility and results. I have a great deal of personal respect for Kennet and, and I truly admire Kennet’s ability and hunger to take upon himself to learn new things and to constantly improve as an individual, an ability which is also reflected in how he acts as a coach and as a strategic advisor. His ability to coach and advise people through his knowledge and experience is quite exceptional, and I highly recommend Kennet.”


“I would highly recommend to consult Kennet if you want to develop your company. Thanks to Kennet we were able to map MYLOCKER’s strengths and possibilities and define new growth opportunities. During a complex merger proces, we decided to consult Kennet for support on how to understand upsides and downsides on combining the two companies. After a short, intensive process Kennet was able to anderstand and present business possibilities, key obstacles etc. When consulting Kennet you will receive efficient, honest and very competent support – regardless if you need strategic or operational business support or personal motivation.”

Pelle elikofer, Regional sales director, apsis

“I guess most people who face Kennet have already been through it all. Coaching, corporate sessions, mentors, self development, meditation… you name it.  Still Kennet brings something fresh to the table. A genuine, warm curiosity and an almost childish disrespect for norms gives you two important things. First of all, someone who cares. About you. Kennet wants to know you. Not just know about you. There's a hell of a difference.  And someone who is willing to suggest and plan steps out of the ordinary. Creativity and imagination will give you tools to move on. To be happy. The best empowerment Kennet gave me was to listen to myself and trust my gut feeling. And then take swift action. And that has never failed me. For that I am forever grateful. I am still working on some of the more creative steps. It’s ever evolving and there is no finish line. But there are goals. Happiness is my goal. What’s yours?”

michael bachmann, FOUNDER, copentown

“I have had the pleasure of working with Kennet on a number of coaching and other business occasions over the past decade and can truly recommend him as one of the most professional, high-integrity and pleasant human beings around. The combination of his global consulting background coupled with his own inspirational mindset, clearly has set him up well for the coaching role that comes so natural to him and which he conducts with both skill and power. My warmest recommendations!”




john glottrup, chief development officer, danica pension

"Kennet supported our business development team through a couple of intense training sessions, as we wanted to upgrade and refresh our tools and methodologies addressing business issues in a coherent way. Kennet was an excellent facilitator using his own experience, good sense of humor and simple frameworks to get us working on our own challenges and Danica cases - introducing a shared language and approach. Can highly recommend Kennet!”

Anders dalhoff, managing partner, pkaaip

"We had the pleasure of Kennet over a two-day competence boost camp, in which our infrastructure investment team went through the consulting fundamentals such as issue-based problem solving, structured communication etc. which we trained on PKAAIP real-life cases. Kennet was an engaging and experienced teacher, and it was fantastic to notice how the team changed their way of working afterwards.”