I'm still standing - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah....

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What I learned from being solo entrepreneur during a pandemic

Approximately one year ago, I was looking into an empty calendar. The strategy project, that I have been working on for the past 10 month was suddenly put on hold due to this new thing called Covid-19. A virus spreading fast somewhere in China. WTF.

Little did I know how this would impact my life for the coming year.

The immediate response was panic. What the hell am I supposed to do. Ongoing and planned projects were put on hold, and the general response from my clients were the same; “Cancel all development and strategy projects, we need to go through this thing”.I have

Now, a year has passed, and I am still standing. And I have probably had the best year yet as a solo entrepreneur as the past 12 months have been generous in terms of learnings and character building.

So, what has happened over the past twelve months.

Upgraded my competences

I wanted to further enhance my understanding of people and what makes people develop. So, it felt natural to search for a way to further enhance my coaching education from 2018 where I become a certified coach. I am extremely curious about how to design the best life for you as an individual, and therefore it was natural to explore an online five-course specialization program within the foundations of Positive Psychology offered by the University of Pennsylvania. Really good stuff, and perfect to use the down-period for a competence software upgrade.

Co-founded a start-up and shut it down again

I hooked up with some great people to explore the possibilities of utilizing external data to enhance the customer insights for companies servicing consumers. We did really make some cool stuff, received funding, and helped several great companies to further enhance their customer insights. We did well but took a decision to close again after 6 months. Probably one of the toughest, yet most mature decisions I have been part of. Still, the learnings I received from this little venture were fantastic. So, no regrets.

Advised several corporates and scale-ups on their business priorities

I have continued to support both internal innovation functions, VCs, biotech, and scale-ups on their business development. Naturally, the Covid-19 situation has made physical engagements a bit tougher over the past 12 months, but has actually led to an increase in my international engagements (primarily the Nordics and US), and has forced me to rethink how to facilitate a strategy process on new platforms, e.g. Miro. It has taken some adjustments, but again broadened my toolbox and reach significantly.

Helped people transform their lives

I have continued to support a select few cool people make difficult life changing decisions. I cannot take any credit for their courage but feel privileged and energized to be invited into this very special and private sphere, to discuss the meaning of life and what potentially needs to be changed to make it even better. To receive an email 6 months after a finished job to let me know that the coachee has now quit her job and started in a new direction to be more aligned with her core values is all the reward you can ask for.

Finetuned my personal life balance

I am constantly trying to maximize my life using one, but key metric – ROT, aka “Return on Time. It is not easy, and I am still learning – but it feels right. We all have different dreams and ambitions at different stages in our life. I am increasingly pursuing a strong and holistic mind, body and health – and try to balance this with my own social life, family, hobbies and of course work.

So, what’s next?

Well, I think I will take another year as solo entrepreneur.

After my first year as a solo entrepreneur in 2018, I noted down my key take-aways – and they still seem to stand.

  1. You’re not alone – I keep expanding my network with good people, who are supportive and willing to help. Always treat other people with respect and good Karma.

  2. Keep an open mindset – 2020/2021 was not the year I had planned. However, it has made my stronger, more focused, and very appreciative about my life and the choices I have made

  3. Everything is always working out for you – I’m still standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Lost line of sight a couple of times over the past 12 months but I am still here with a reconfirmed belief in the journey I have embarked on.

  4. Learn to say “no” – Especially, when you lose sight, it is difficult to say no. I have now been practicing for the past 4 years, and I am continuously improving. I say “no” way more than I say “yes” – and it has set me free.

  5. Money can’t buy you happiness – I make less money than I could if I optimized my life for that purpose only. However, my ROT is way better balanced, and I truly feel the payback from that is better. I am still learning the right balance, but it does feel right.

So I’m still standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah….

Kennet Hammerby