5 Things I've Learned in my first year as an Solopreneur

Ready to take the plunge….

Ready to take the plunge….

Oh, my good – times flies. It’s already been a year since I took the jump leaving a cool, rewarding and well-paid job with great colleagues in the management consulting industry.

Having spent two decades as a management consultant I have learned a lot, worked with some fantastic people and embarked on a never-ending development path. Still, without knowing exactly what was missing, I felt the urge to stop, reassess and evaluate where to go next.

Have I regretted – hell no!

So, what has happened over the past twelve months – a fair question.

  • Toolbox upgrade – I completed my coaching training program with Mindjuice in November, and am now a certified coach (ACTP) accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). It was a tough period – not only learning a lot of very useful coaching techniques, but starting to reflect on some of life’s deeper questions. But in the end very rewarding.

  • Coached individuals and companies – through 1-2-1 sessions I have had the pleasure to coach and support several individuals and smaller companies figuring out what they really want – and how to adjust their current. It’s been some challenging but rewarding sessions, and I am extremely grateful to see the tough decisions being made – takes a lot of courage.

  • Worked as independent management consultant – I have been fortunate to work with some fantastic people across some very different industries applying my strategy toolbox. It has – and still is – a blast. Despite living in a fast-paced world, in which most industries are facing disruption of some part of the value-chain, it still makes good sense to ask yoursel two fundamental questions, “where do you want to play” and “how do you want to win”.

  • Met  a bunch of new cool people – I have been introduced to several new cool people and companies, whom I would have never met, if I have stayed in my old job. Amazing to see how good relations can – and will – open new doors when you least expect it.

  • Gotten my own personal work-life balance right – readjusted how my own “perfect” world looks like and adjusted where needed. It’s not been easy, and I am still learning – but it feels right. We all have different dreams and ambitions at different stages in our life.

So, what’s next? Well, that’s the beauty of it all. I don’t know for sure… yes, I have some work lined up for the next couple of months, but what I will be doing in December is still up for decision. That is the beauty of it all – and the scary part. However, after a long summer break I feel ready and confident to embark on my second year as Solopreneur.

And before we all are back-in-black, let me just share the five things I learned from my first year:

1.     You’re not alone – time and time again I have been surprised to see how people you know – and don’t know – are willing to help you out. I am not a religious person, but I have learned to appreciate and respect Karma. She is not a b…. – but a close friend. Treat her – and others - well.

2.     Keep an open mindset – sometimes I feel that I have been in a similar situation and that I have all the answers in advance. I don’t. The world is a fluid place, and each personal or business challenge is unique and should be treated that way. Stay humble and appreciate when others offer a different perspective and lens on life.

3.     Everything is always working out for you – you cannot always plan ahead and be in control of what will happened. However, if you learn to trust your gut feelings and stay positive and confident, I have learned that I always land on my feet again, no matter how turbulent and lost you might feel.

 4.     Learn to say “no” – understanding let alone putting words to what I really want is a challenging task. I am not there yet but getting there. However, we are all asked a lot of tasks and given several opportunities. But not all of these (properly only a fraction) will be supporting you on your life mission. Learn to say no.

5.     Money can’t buy you happiness – yes, it sounds like an old Beatles song, and something you have heard before. But it is true. What matters in life is how you feel on the inside and how your relationships are with the people who matters most. And how you create moments of happiness while finding your own purpose in life.

Solopreneurship is an unprecedented opportunity to learn about yourself and what you want to bring into the world. There will be ups and downs, but it is all about the journey. And it’s not a sprint, so don’t rush things. It’s a marathon. Settle in your own pace, find the rhythm and appreciate the progress you make – big or small.

Kennet Hammerby